Week 6 a.k.a. All Rights Reversed

"Copyright: all rights reserved" and "Copyleft: all rights reversed". While it stared out as a little bit of fun, things escalated quickly. What once was a pun on copyright, has developed into a legitimate legal term. This is Week 6 of SPEAIT2021K course and I would like to talk copyleft today.

Copyleft is an important factor in free licenses that determines whether the license will influence the derived works or not. It can be divided into three grades: strong, weak and no copyleft.

1. Strong Copyleft

Strong copyleft demands that all derived works retain the license of the original, meaning that software under this license cannot be made proprietary. One of the most popular strong copyleft licenses, GNU GPL defines several freedoms for user, including freedom to run the program for any purpose, to study how the program works and to redistribute copies of both original and your modified versions to others. Other example of such license would be AGPL, sometimes called 'extra strong' copyleft.

2. Weak Copyleft

Next up there is weak copyleft licenses that have some exceptions set to allow better software integration with proprietary systems and are widely used in libraries. Examples include the MPL, the EUPL, the Microsoft Public License and the Reciprocal Public License and the GNU LGPL, also reffered to as GNU "Lesser" GPL.

3. No Copyleft

The third type is no copyleft licenses, that do not restrict licensing of derivative works. It is possible to create proprietary software based on the software under no copyleft license, thus making this type of licensing more appealing to developers while cutting back on the continuity assurance for the end users. No copyleft licenses include the BSD license, the MIT license and the Apache license.

Generally, the choice of license for your software depends on your goals and sources you use. If you use strong copyleft license as the foundation of your work you have no choice but to release your work under the same license. On the other hand, you can create proprietary software if your work was based on the no copyleft licensed software. The choice is almost up to you.


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